Thursday, November 24, 2011

Blog Updates

I am continuously updating the blog.

It is not so much a question of posts (bloggers post new updates daily, and some post even more often than that) as it is a question of the sidebar.

New widgets get added to the sidebar fairly often, and there is ongoing maintenance to the links provided.

Today, I have added in a widget linking to the election offices for all fifty of the US states. This widget is currently right next to the widget with links to the state court and judicial systems.

The FEC link can be found with the US government links. Also, there is a miscellaneous resource widget that has links to sites that provide information on money in federal and state politics, as well as a plethora of other links.

There is an international news and analysis widget, and it has a great many links to international news sources and various blogs and other sources. More news and analysis links can be found in the widgets for individual US states and for various countries, which are organized by continent (for this purpose, I take the Suez Canal as the boundary between Africa and Asia, so Israel is in Asia, and Egypt in Africa).

The links alone make my blog worth bookmarking. Whenever I want to know what is going on anywhere in the world, I start at and from my blog. ;)

There are excellent sites linked in the sidebar that provide links to campaigns for federal and various state elected offices. It is not my intention to duplicate (mainly, copy) the excellent work done elsewhere. However, I do have many links to many races for US President, US Senate, US House of Representatives, to various races for state offices, and to some national and state political parties and political action committees. If you have a link you would like to see in the sidebar for a polical campaign, please leave a comment, preferably including the URL.

Especially, if you have a link to an NGO, a news source, a think tank, a recommended blog, a government or international entity, etc., please leave a comment with the URL.

Coming soon will be more links to government and political websites in the non-US English-speaking world.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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