Monday, July 4, 2011

Hazy Shade of Winter, Part 3

In Part 1 we looked at President Obama's call for Israel's withdrawal to the 1967 "borders" and began considering how suicidal that would be for Israel; in Part 2 we saw how a former Mossad chief, considered a "hawk", picked up the same refrain, contradicting Prime Minister Netanyahu's assertion that the 1967 borders would not work - this at a time when Israel should present a united front against the Obama Administration, whose pronouncements, if implemented, would literally lead to Israel's destruction.

We now pick up the story from a very different angle.

The "Arab Spring" is a name given to a wave of uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa, as Arab unrest leads to the overthrow of long-established regimes. Use of the term "Spring" implies that this should be counted on the plus side for the Arabs in those lands, and for humanity as a whole.

However, revolutionary fervor tends to get misdirected, misguided and hijacked; it doesn't take a senior analyst in the US intelligence or diplomatic community to recognize the possibility that things could quickly become worse than ever.

We begin with excerpts from Historic Relations Between Muslim Brotherhood and Iran, dated April 10, 2010, by Nabil Al-Bukairi. The first addresses how different factions of the Muslim Brotherhood view the situation with the Houthi rebels (a Shia insurgent group in Yemen):

The press releases of Muslim brotherhood in Egypt and Syria concerning the development of Houthi invasion to Saudi lands raised an exaggerated argument about the reality of the Iranian-Muslim brotherhood relation. The Egyptian release urged King Abdullah of Saudi to immediately stop the war against Houthi rebels calling him to increase his efforts to reach consolation between the two Yemeni fighting sides instead. Some have understood this stance as support for Houthi rebels in the war, and therefore support for Iran.

However, in contrast, the Syrian Muslim brotherhood laid the blame for the war on Houthi rebels who according to the release is a tool in the hands of regional parties who have an extension project in the region; indirectly referring to Iran.

These two contrary stances display the scale of differences between the different Muslim brotherhood sections and Tehran, and therefore reflect how mysterious is the Iranian-Muslim brotherhood relation.

In other words, the Egyption MB seemed to support the Houthi rebels as proxies of Iran. But, Syria seemed to support Riyadh. At first glance, this may seem surprising, since we normally consider Syria as having closer ties to Iran.

The lesson I draw from this is that, like anything else in the Middle East, alliances are not always what we might expect just by examining the surface. In that part of the world, there is factionalism that often seems to be the driving factor in events.

Skipping down:

Iran and Muslim Brotherhood Today

Since the fall of Baghdad, the Iranian-Muslim brothers relation have not been well. There are some of the Muslim brotherhood who doubt the Iranian policy towards regional and Arabian issues like the issues of Afghanistan and Iraq and afterward Lebanon and Yemen. It is true that Egyptian and Palestinian Muslim brotherhood have an intimate relationship with Iran; a result of Iran's support for the right struggle of Palestinian people against the Israeli invaders.

However, the case seems to be the opposite with Muslim brotherhood in Yemen, Lebanon, or in the gulf for example. In these countries, the Muslim brotherhood are angry at the Iranian intervention in the internal affairs of their countries like the case in Iraq, Lebanon, and finally in Yemen. Therefore, Muslim brothers are not pro-Iranian policy in their countries as some like to describe them.

Al-Bukairi concludes by assessing that Iran is acting in Iran's own interests, pure and simple, and advises caution to any Arab Sunni groups that may be considering an alliance. But, caution is also advised regarding Sunni/Shi'ite hostilities, which "only served the Israeli goals."

Apparently, in this Houthi/Yemen fight, each side accuses the other of being allied with unsavories. Yemen says the Houthis are backed by Iran; the Houthis say Yemen's government is affiliated with Al Qaeda and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

(Frankly, I suspect both accusations are true.)

According to The Muslim Brotherhood's Ideological Ties to Iran & its Islamic Revolution by Diana Gregor, from earlier this year (numbers in [brackets] are footnotes; see original):

Iran's revolution has served as a model for both Sunni and Shiite Islamist movements seeking power. Thomas Joscelyn from the Foundation for Defense of Democracies concluded that: "[...] ties between the Brotherhood and Iran predate 1979. Hassan al Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, believed that Sunnis and Shiites should overcome their differences to face their common enemies. So, too, did Ayatollah Khomeini, who openly advocated an alliance between the two main branches of Islam." [8]

Iran has maintained informal ties to the Muslim Brotherhood for many years. Mehdi Khalaji, senior fellow at the Washington Institute, noted: "If Iran were to develop close relations with the Brotherhood, Iranian influence would grow considerably in the Arab world, giving Tehran a significant say among Arab radicals [...]." [9]

This last article footnoted, by Mehdi Khalaji, is interesting. From Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood and Iran, February 12, 2009:

Ties between Iran and Sunni Extremists

Egypt has long been suspicious of the connection between the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and Iran, based in large part on Iran's longstanding strong ties to Hamas -- an offshoot of the Brotherhood. The recent conflict in Gaza is likely to further arouse Cairo's suspicions. During the fighting, Iran was highly vocal in their support of Hamas, blasting the Egyptian government for its inaction. Hamas leader Khaled Mashal thanked Iran for its support of his organization, asserting that the "people of Gaza . . . have always appreciated the political and spiritual support of the Iranian leaders and nation." According to Iranian state television, Mashal reportedly said that "Iran has definitely played a big role in the victory of the people of Gaza and is a partner in that victory."

Iran has also forged stronger working relations with other Sunni extremists. According to the New York Times, Saudi authorities allege that the leader of "al-Qaeda in the Persian Gulf," Abdullah al-Qaraqi, lives and moves freely in Iran, along with more than a hundred Saudis working for him. The Treasury Department, in its recent enforcement action, announced that Saad bin Laden, son of Usama bin Laden, was arrested by Iranian authorities in early 2003 but that "[a]s of September 2008, it was possible that Saad bin Laden was no longer in Iranian custody." According to Director of National Intelligence Michael McConnell, Saad bin Laden is now most likely in Pakistan.

It seems Iran is trying to establish itself as the leader of the anti-Western jihad, and is cultivating necessary contacts to do so. While Arab governments have oppressed the Muslim Brotherhood, Iran has reached across the Sunni/Shi'ite aisle to lend a helping hand.

On February 26, 2011, Brian Fairchild began WikiLeaks Cables Reveal Muslim Brotherhood Ties to Iran with the following:

The Obama administration believes that the Muslim Brotherhood is an acceptable player in forming a new government in Egypt despite the fact that about a dozen very public quotes from the former and current leaders of the Brotherhood, which I provided in a Pajamas Media article last week, reveal the Brotherhood's Salafi-jihadi worldview and support for Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda.

These quotes are readily available to anyone who wants to take the time to look for them, but the Obama team's acceptance of the Brotherhood is all the more mystifying due to the fact that the government's own classified State Department cables document that Iran, our arch-enemy in the region, has been clandestinely supporting it as a proxy in Egypt.

The link in the passage was in the original; it provides a whole list of quotes from the Muslim Brotherhood showing how the MB supports terrorism and is a threat to everything that should be important to the United States.

What else is of concern is that the Muslim Brotherhood is very organized and in a strong position to leverage unrest throughout the region into political power. From Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Lurks as a Long-Term Threat to Freedom by James Phillips, February 8, 2011, which begins:

Although Egypt's widely supported protest movement was reportedly instigated by secular opposition activists, the largest and most well-organized group within Egypt's diverse coalition of opposition groups remains the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist movement determined to transform Egypt into an Islamic state that is hostile to freedom.

In other words, the MB is going to pull an Iranian Revolution on us.

Skipping down to the end of the article:

Hijack Prevention

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood pursues a radical long-term Islamist agenda while masking its hostility to freedom and genuine democracy with self-serving tactical rhetorical moderation. The Obama Administration should patiently seek to advance freedom and stability in Egypt through a transition to a more representative government that gives the Muslim Brotherhood the smallest possible opportunity to hijack the reform process.

The worst possible outcome of the present crisis would be to open the door to a takeover by a totalitarian Islamist group hostile to the United States while working to replace President Mubarak's authoritarian regime.

This "worst possible outcome" is exactly what the Obama Administration seems to be engineering.

The Obama team has given the green light to French involvement in Côte d'Ivoire. Under the auspices of the UN, Sarkozy has installed his friend Ouattara as strongman of Côte d'Ivoire, deposing President Gbagbo, in violation of Ivoirian law and with a terrible toll of civilian casualties. Many of those civilians were killed by French air attacks, but many were also killed by Ouattara's supporters, who are mostly Muslims, and whose atrocities often take the form of religious attacks on Gbagbo's predominantly Christian supporters: jihad by any other name....

In Sudan, the Bashir regime is committing a preplanned genocide in Southern Kordofan. I have written about this in previous posts, especially in Land of the Blacks, Part 5, where I call attention to the fact that Bashir appointed his henchman Harun, also under ICC indictment for his activities in Darfur, as governor of Southern Kordofan two years ago. Obviously, Bashir saw an opportunity with Obama coming into office to rework the ethnic composition of the Nuba Mountains. From The Abandoned Army: War Returns to Sudan's Nuba Mountains (notice the different spelling of Harun; I adopt the spelling on the ICC indictment and arrest warrant):

Under the current regime, there have been extensive efforts to "Islamize" the Nuba, by force if necessary.


The new governor, Ahmad Haroun, is a veteran of the largely Arab Murahileen mounted militias formed to raid Southern Sudanese tribes in the border regions during the 1980s. In the 1990s Haroun was involved in the brutal campaign to punish the Nuba of South Kordofan for supporting the SPLA, a reprisal campaign that did not differentiate between Muslim and non-Muslim and left roughly 200,000 civilians dead. By 2003 Haroun was Minister of the State for the Interior and played a major part in organizing the Arab Janjaweed militia to attack non-Arab Muslim civilians suspected of supporting the Darfur insurgency. In respect to these activities, the ICC issued an arrest warrant for Haroun on multiple charges of crimes against humanity in April 2007. In response, Khartoum appointed Haroun to head an investigation into human rights abuses in Darfur.


And, Obama does nothing about this.

In Egypt, the Obama Administration supported ousting Mubarak, knowing the Muslim Brotherhood would be the best situated to replace him. In Libya, Obama used US forces to begin ousting Gadaffi Khadafy whatever, knowing Libyan rebels would have a healthy sprinkling of Islamists, including the Muslim Brotherhood.

And then Obama calls for Israel to suicidally return to the 1967 "borders", which are completely indefensible, and which would thus invite yet another Arab attack, akin to all the previous Arab attacks that were beaten back resulting in the lines of control that exist today in the West Bank and Golan Heights.

It seems quite clear to me that the Obama Administration's strategy is to promote, at every opportunity, the success of Islam's holy warriors throughout the region, giving preference to the worst of the bunch, who are allied to Tehran, where Iranian President Adminijihad whatever has repeatedly called for the destruction of Israel. The only thing keeping Obama from throwing Israel under the bus is a substantial pro-Israel lobby, which he needs to please America's Jewish voters to win re-election. (In 2008, he had roughly three quarters of America's Jewish vote.)

This "Arab Spring" is turning out to be a very cold "spring", full of murky maneuverings. In fact, to me, it looks more like a hazy shade of winter.


  1. As usual, you are spot on. I stayed up the nite before last reading, taking me from link to link until I began to see some light. Some. Yes, I agree that the Obama regime are manipulating & using one side against another. Nefarious machinations!! Assume NO loyalty. I believe it will come down to full out war in the area, just not in the way or even the countries we expected. Iran's long- held animosity towards the Saudis goes way back. They & "we" are maneuvering the area into a takeover by Iran of Saudi Arabia. The sad part is that while there is truth to the Sunni/Shite (?sp) divide, I believe that all along Obama & his minions have been inciting violence & unrest so that in the end, they will walk right into the depopulation of the NWO by attrition ~ killing one another for reasons they won't even truly comprehend. You are amazing with your knowledge of history in the area!! I need to take some time to read the articles I saved, but didn't read because my poor eyes just could not take anymore.
    ( Thanks for the link~very helpful)
    I do believe I may know your occupation...

  2. Over the past few days I've been going over thousands of pages of pdf's: testimonty before Congress, reports from various agencies of various governmental and international bodies, reports from NGO's and the CRS... I'm beginning to feel you on the "poor eyes" thing. I can't really use the pdf reader, because I am constantly taking snips and working them into upcoming posts.
    Saudi Arabia is quite concerned about Iran. Saudi Arabia has nuclear weapons in Pakistan. The Paks built them, they store them and maintain them, but the nukes have Saudi markings. Part of the quid pro quo - Pakistan gets deals for oil from the KSA. Maybe Iran's search for nukes isn't about Washington and Tel Aviv... maybe they're looking at Riyadh?
