Sunday, April 17, 2011

Côte d'Ivoire and 2012

Just writing a note on Facebook, I had this to say on April 16, 2011, in a note entitled Côte d'Ivoire - Dress Rehearsal for 2013? (slightly reformatted for this blog):

As I review information surrounding the events in Côte d'Ivoire, some things jump out at me.

1) There are questions about whether all the people who voted for Ouattara were legally eligible to vote in the elections.

2) I have questions about whether Ouattara is eligible for the presidency under Ivoirian law.

Regardless, the Ivoirian Constitutional Council is the only body in Côte d'Ivoire that can certify someone as the winner of the election; they certified Gbagbo, not Ouattara.

Despite this, the international community declared Ouattara the winner, then installed him under force of arms.

The precedent has been set to declare Obama the winner in 2012 - regardless of what happens at the polls, or whether or not he is even eligible - and maintain him in power after January, 2013, through force of an international intervention.

Somebody please point out the flaw in my logic or facts.

I have been suspicious of this whole situation from the start, but this now goes beyond suspicion.

Please watch the following vids (which are all conveniently accessible at an admittedly pro-Gbagbo site):

Senator James Inhofe has also been following developments in Côte d'Ivoire, and speaking about the situation there. He has many taped speeches and press conferences on the topic; here is a recent one:

(See also A Plea for the Cote D'Ivoire.)

Senator Inhofe's information, presented in the Senate, confirms some of what I had suspected, but been unable to find online. Ouattara's people are thugs. Assuming President Gbagbo is what the international community is labeling him as - a "strongman" - Ouattara will be no better.

The information I have found, detailed elsewhere under the label Ivory Coast, shows that Ouattara, when he was prime minister, did a great deal of damage to Côte d'Ivoire's economy and internal ethnic relations. These issues were what helped cause the unrest that he ultimately leveraged, first into a civil war, then into an election. The election was stolen, but he was able to leverage the facade of an election into support by the international community adequate to place him in power, in violation of Ivoirian law.

Also, my information shows Gbagbo's administration was, at the top, not corrupted by narcotics trafficking.

Though Ouattara's supporters are generally Muslims from the northern part of Côte d'Ivoire, I have found little credible evidence that this is a Muslim vs. infidel fight in Côte d'Ivoire. However, an article from FrontPage Magazine suggests it might be. France Enables an Islamist Takeover of Ivory Coast, April 12, 2011, says in part:

The French, the former colonial rulers in the Ivory Coast, forced the surrender of former president Laurent Gbagbo to forces loyal to president-elect Alassane Ouattara, who the international community had recognized as the victor in last year's presidential election.

Ouattara is a Muslim, who prevailed in this election over his Christian opponent Gbagbo on the strength of masses of illegal immigrants who had emigrated over the last several decades from the neighboring Muslim states of Burkina Faso, Mali and Guinea. It is estimated that nearly one fifth of the 21 million people now living in Ivory Coast are illegal immigrants, most of whom are Muslims.

Neighboring Burkina Faso, which borders that part of Côte d'Ivoire that was a base for Ouattara's rebel forces, is known as a transshipment point for smuggling illegal arms. As I address elsewhere, the entire Sahara/Sahel region is known for movement of goods, most emphatically including contraband, as well as people.

If Ouattara's Muslim supporters are sprinkled with Islamists, it is a safe bet they are connected with other Islamic militants in the area. Furthermore, terrorists worldwide, especially since the end of the Cold War, have increasingly financed terrorism with money earned from organized crime, major components of which include arms- and narcotics-trafficking. Consequently, Ouattara is likely connected to this.

If it is true that Gbagbo's regime, at the highest levels, was honest in this regard, then one aspect of placing Ouattara in power is likely a move by organized crime to facilitate the flow of drugs and guns through the region - likely cocaine eastward and up to Europe, and military-grade weapons and Afghan heroin westward to the Americas.

Senator Inhofe decries French colonialism. Undoubtedly, money is involved, as I have addressed elsewhere. Also, cocoa and other natural resources come to mind. If caught, these will be the fall-back positions of the French and US administrations.

But, if we dig down deeper, organized crime networks, especially those associated with Islamic terrorists, will be found to be connected to senior officials in the US and French governments.

Another aspect of this is the issue of national sovereignty.

The article is not as accurate as one might hope, but the headline points to the issue of concern.

It is irrelevant if Obama is eligible according to US law. It is also irrelevant if those who vote for him are legally eligible to vote in US elections. And, it is irrelevant if Obama even wins a fraudulent election.

They key is that there is the facade of a "democratic" election. With that in place, the international community, controlled by shadowy groups on both sides of the law, now has a precedent to send troops in to impose Obama on America through force of international arms.

And, there is a big movement to disarm law-abiding American people. Now, I wonder why that is?

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